The Solution
Safeguarding our future. Together.
"Microbiological culture of milk samples, collected aseptically from each gland towards the end of lactation, provides the strongest evidence that a quarter or cow is infected in late lactation" DairyNZ Technote 14
Individual cow in-season testing
- Get accurate results 24 hours after sampling
- Treat the RIGHT bug with the RIGHT drug and the RIGHT time
- Can be done on farm in your own time
- Can be done in a vet clinic laboratory
- Diagnose contagious, environmental and opportunistic bacteria
- Save time and money
Whole herd pre-dry off ’Smart Screen’
- Identifies cows carrying major pathogens at drying off giving peace of mind
- Finds cows with Staph aureus
- Diagnosis of > 10 different types of pathogens
- Reduces DCAT use from 20% to 6% in herds using selective DCAT
- Only treat cows that actually need treating
High SCC cow screen
- Culture all High SCC cows after a herd testing event
- Identify cows with Staph aureus and remove these from the milking herd to stop spread
- Identify cows with a major pathogen, treat as necessary
Pre-sale & purchase pathogen screening
- Staph aureus, Johnes, BVD and other pathogens
- Biosecurity measure for your farm and herd
- Get peace of mind knowing you are buying clean cows
- Get better money for selling tested and clean cows
Bulk milk tank analysis
- Find out what pathogens are present in your herd
- Take action to reduce impact of major pathogens
Other disease testing
- All testing is done at an IANZ approved laboratory using the same milk collected for culture
- Johnes test - detect cows with Johnes disease, this is recommended in the autumn
- BVD test - detect BVD positive cows in the herd
- Pregnancy test - check pregnancy status of cows
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